Teaching Carden® in the Elementary Classroom: June 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2025 WEBINAR


This class meets five times for a total of 15 hours on five consecutive days: June 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time. 

This 15-hour course will prepare you to use Carden® effectively when teaching students in Grades 1 and above. 

Carden itself is an interrelated, eclectic family of approaches to teaching the whole child. We’ll teach you how to use Carden to build a strong foundation in language arts while helping your students develop the stamina and resilience they need to be happy and successful in life. 

This product can only be purchased by members.

This class meets five times for a total of 15 hours on five consecutive days: June 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, 2025,  from 8:00 am until 11:00 am, Pacific Time, each day. 

This 15-hour course will prepare you to make the most of Carden® as you teach students in Grades 1 and above. 

Carden itself is an interrelated, eclectic family of approaches to teaching the whole child.               We’ll teach you how to use Carden to build a strong foundation in language arts while helping your students to develop the stamina and resilience they need to be happy and successful in life. 

Learn how to get the most from the Carden Method® as you develop your students’ lifelong love of learning. This live and interactive program will familiarize you with the Carden curriculum and the techniques you’ll need to bring successful learning to your classroom. 

Key Points Include 

  • Development of the Mental Image 
  • Vocabulary for Self-expression 
  • Phonics and Word Structure for Word Recognition 
  • Word Grouping for Rhythmic Reading and Comprehension 
  • Identification of Keywords as Evidence of Understanding 
  • Classification of Keywords to Express the Main Idea 
  • Organization of Content for Comprehension 
  • Development of the Carden Chart 
  • Presentation of Reading and Spelling Lessons 
  • Introduction to Creative Writing and Composition Forms 
  • Teaching Parts of Speech for Effective Use in Reading, Writing, and Speaking 
  • And more… 


Event Details

Carden® Classroom Elementary, June 23-27, 2025 WEBINAR

Start date: June 23, 2025

End date: June 27, 2025

Start time: 08:00 a.m. PDT

End time: 11:00 a.m. PDT

Phone: 8435350090

Email: info@carden.org